
What is DevOps?

DevOps is the fusion of application deployment practices and usage of tools that escalates your organization’s capability to deliver applications and services at the faster pace. This rapidity facilitates faster development and delivery and that overall better serves your customers as an end result.The DevOps Platform is compiling of open source tools that are designed to provide the capability to perform the continuous delivery. 

How we help you for carrying out DevOps and Why you should work with our DevOps Engineers?

Our DevOps engineers

  • has the vast skill set and worked on several different IAAS, PAAS and SAAS platforms such as AWS, Digital Ocean, Google Cloud, Heroku, Rackspace, Openshift, Chef, Docker, Ansible, Packer, Troposphere, Consul, Jenkins, SonarQube etc.
  • redefine Process Re-Engineering and are comfortable with frequent, incremental code testing and deployments
  • have the strong grasp of automation tools, and their main focus is on Business Outcomes
  • makes collaboration much easier and makes communication open between development and operation teams
  • takes care of complete application lifecycle which includes development, testing, and automated deployment operations ensuring your’s or your team’s productivity stays intact
  • takes care of build processes, tasks automation, environment based configurations, deployments, and releases.
  • help to configure relevant notifications and emails for different saas platforms such as Slack, AWS SES, SNS and hooking it up with various paas services such as bitbucket, gitlab etc. so your team is aware 24×7 what is happening where.
  • removes barriers between two traditionally siloed teams, development, and operations
  • helps setting up culture and mindset which is required to be a DevOps engineer for you or your team
  • moves at the greater pace so you can innovate and interact with customers faster, easily adjust to changing markets, and grow more efficient at carrying out business results

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